December 11, 2010


Some important stuff to pass on to you all regarding the end of the year, and plans for next year.

First of all, for the benefit of Yr10, 11, and 12 members, we have a new probationary member.
Congratulations to Melisa Durakovic, who was voted into the group on Friday. It is a little unusual to invite a new member at this stage of the year, when a large number of members are unable to attend the vote, however I've used my discretion as CEO: Melisa's name was raised after the term 3 primary school workshops as someone to consider; we have just completed another three days of workshops in the last week of term 4 and she continued to do an excellent job, so I made the assumption that there would be no objections from those absent.

Now onto bigger stuff.
As you know, for a range of reasons over the last few months - personal, professional, administrative - I haven't been able to run Redback the way I would normally. This is, I think, a temporary problem, but it has nonetheless had an impact on the projects and events we would normally be getting stuck into right about now. At this stage, all of these changes are one-off, with the intention being to get back to tradition next year, but we will see how things pan out.

Will be much more low-key this year. We're scrapping most of the trophies, and are looking at a casual dinner in Lygon St next Sunday (Dec 19). It won't be pre-paid, we'll just book for however many are coming, and you can order off the menu and pay on the spot. I guess think of it less as an Awards Dinner, and more just an End-of-Year dinner. If you don't think you can make it (or indeed, if you are sure that you can), please let me know; however there is little that can be done about it, as we are rapidly running out of time.

We will be aiming to perform RAW in April next year - the term 1 holidays, to be exact. Scripts need to be given to me when school starts next year, although earlier is preferred. If YOU don't write scripts, there is no RAW, so get to it. No excuses - no "I don't have any ideas" or "I'm no good at writing" - just get to it.

I will be looking at organising camp for the mid-year holidays next year, and will start making the arrangements at the beginning of term 1.

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