August 28, 2010

To The RedSlack Theatre Group

Like my joke ;D
Anyways, A few things need to be said today.

First of all, It's been said multiple times, we are becoming a lazy bunch so we need to get back on track doing things so we can stay as our drama group we all love.
From now on Jake Saunders has been put in charge of making workshops fortnightly. So it'd be great If everyone could Cooperate with him doing that.

Also Make some scripts and monologues people! Short and Sweet is coming soon, so Make some monologues and apply now. And we'll need Scripts for raw soon So get to it!

For those that don't know Drama camp has been moved to next year!

We need to go out to play's more so if you's know any, or like to see one is where to go.

Start Saving For Arby's No its not soon, but Caughey doesn't want people being inlack of money soon before it happens so start saving.
AND FINALLY, Redback Jumpers need to be paid, And A grand total of Kennara has paid for it. We can't order it in until 20 people have paid, so get to it.

Sorry for the long rant, BUT All this needed to be said as the site hasn't been updated in a while.

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