February 07, 2010

Hanging Rock

Hey Guys, Its Jasmin here :) We'll as President i am going to have an attempt at writing a blog about our trip to Hanging Rock this week... So here goes nothing..

After much anticipation, Kat, Lauren, Alex, Lisa, Caughey, Michelle and I finally traveled to Hanging Rock.

Our first stop was to the costume shop to gear up. 1900's attire was on the agenda and we managed to rent out 3 dresses for Michelle, Alex and myself, the others had taken their pick from our range of dresses in the back room.

We got to the Rock, geared up and began to make our way up. I would like to point out that i was not informed of the journey... steps and inclines were involved, doing that in 1900 dresses, well that was the only unpleasant part of the day.
Never the less we made it, and we let Edith come to :)

We were greeted with friendly looks from those who were at the rock, and the occasional "Miranda" reference, some people also took pictures of us.

We cheered on a game of cricket going on at the bottom of the rock, had a few "That's what she said" calls, Lots of Edith references to Alex (If you've seen the movie you'll know who she is), pictures, saw feet, climbing and searching for Marion and Miss McCraw, who really cares about that Miranda chick.

We left and decided to go to Coles for some picnic materials. Being from the 1900's we were bewildered by this thing they call "Coles". An indoor market, amazing! Lisa and Alex stuck to character the whole time there.

At 7 we came back to watch "Picnic at Hanging Rock"... at hanging rock. We were still in our outfits and decided to play some cricket, Caughey was doing pretty poorly may i add :)
Time passes and we decided to change out of our dresses, Lisa and Michelle were still dedicated and stayed dressed.

We watched the movie, Lisa asked a stupid question (its ok i wont say what), Alex finally found out who Edith was, and a guy accidently sat in the wrong seat, next to Kat.. that was hilarious, many jokes followed that :)

There are so many more things that happened, but i think i have already written more then enough :). Saturday was a great day, i think we can all agree on that. Next time we go i recommend for you to come along, and NO EDITH! You can't come too!

1 comment:

LISA ! said...

BAHAHHAH ! Classic :D