February 17, 2010


RAW is this Monday and Tuesday, which means things are starting to get a bit crazy.
This is a heads-up on a few things just to make sure everyone knows what's going on and what's needed of them. Please read all points carefully.

*I strongly recommend that we run rehearsals on Saturday at the school (especially for the big-cast plays such as the Wedding one, Play-in-play, and The Red Overalls). If I'm going to give up my Saturday, though, I want everyone to be there.
Please message me ASAP to let me know if you are, or are not, able to make it from 11am - 3pm on Saturday. Text, email, or facebook please.

* Dress rehearsal at the venue this Sunday. We have the theatre from 10 till 5: the bus will be leaving School at 9am (make sure you have eaten breakfast, we won't be stopping). We should be back by 7 at the latest.
NPSC students, you will need a consent form from me, I'll be handing them out tomorrow and I want them back on Friday. EVERYONE is expected to be at the Dress rehearsal, as you've all known about it for over a month.

*Performances start at 7pm. We will be travelling in by school bus as soon as possible after school - if you are planning to make your own way in, please let me know, and aim to be at the theatre by 5.30 at the latest. (NPSC students, the consent form you get tomorrow will cover the 21st, 22nd and 23rd). Performances should finish by 9pm, so we should be back at school between 11 and midnight.

* Tickets are onsale now, at the school office. If your family and friends can't get in to the school, they can buy them through you, but they will have to give you the money and YOU will have to go to the office and buy them. Or they can take their chances at the door.

*So far most people I've spoken to are coming Tuesday. If you have people tossing up which day to come, it might be worth suggesting Monday.

*Tickets cost $10 for everyone.

*I have organised rehearsal time and space at school every lunchtime this week. It hasn't really been used. Hopefully this is because directors have been organising their own rehearsals, but apart from Adele I haven't seen any evidence of this...

*Screams, Flatpack, Nesquik, The diary, Bulimia, Serial Killer, Exams in progress, and Bandits are all DEFINITELY running.

*Crazy Plane will NOT be running, neither will Superhero Day. If you were in these plays I apologise, but they just haven't been rehearsed.

*Several other plays are currently on the edge of being cut - in particular the Wedding play. If it's going to go ahead, I need to see evidence that it will be ready in time (properly ready, not half-assed ready). The same goes for other plays such as Play-in-play, The More Loving One, The Red Overalls and Astronaut.

*I have no idea if any other plays/monologues are ready or not. Can the people involved please let me know? Otherwise I'll assume they're not.

*Directors are reminded that any props and costumes should be organised IMMEDIATELY. Please DO NOT leave them till the last minute, and certainly don't expect me to have organised them for you. I'll help out if asked in enough time, but remember that I work full-time.

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